Donation Information
The Park Theatre Seat Campaign

The Park Theatre Seat Campaign in the Eppes Auditorium

The Seat Campaign gives the Theatre’s friends, supporters, and all-around theater-lovers the opportunity to put their name or the name of a loved one or business on one or more seats. The names or messages will be engraved on plaques on each seat.

One of the first seats selected was named by Jaffrey taxpayers, “Town of Jaffrey”, at the 2017 Town Meeting. The Kingsbury Fund has named all the accessible seating in the historic auditorium. About a dozen other seats have also been named in the run-up to the campaign launch.

For 54 years, The Park Theatre was the center of community life in Jaffrey, presenting vaudeville and first-run movies. From 1940 until it closed,

Naming a seat in the new Park Theatre gives contributors the opportunity to take their places in the rich living history of The Park Theatre and help fund the Theatre's innovative, telescopic seating.

A donation of $1,000 for each named seat assures that the Theatre remains a central part of our community and our region.

A limited number of seats remain.

Please Be Advised: Sponsorship of a seat does not include any tickets for that seat. Also, seat sponsorship does not guarantee that you will be able to book that seat for an event, however, we will try to accommodate you.

NOTE:  For your seat plaque. No more than 2 lines with 16 characters on each line (including spaces & punctuation).

If you have any questions about payment or recognition, please call the admistration office at (603) 532-9300

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