PI Public Lectures:
Title: The Jazz of Physics with Stephon Alexander, Brown University
Abstract: Take a musical journey of the mind and the cosmos on April 14 when scientist Stephon Alexander presents a live talk at Perimeter Institute called The Jazz of Physics.
Alexander, a professor of physics at Brown University, began his journey to science in high school where he encountered a teacher who believed in his potential and introduced him to the magic of jazz, fostering a connection between John Coltrane and Albert Einstein.
He'll demonstrate how the search for answers to deep cosmological puzzles has parallels to jazz improvisation. He will also explore new ways that music, in particular jazz, mirrors concepts in modern physics such as quantum mechanics, general relativity, and the early universe.
Free tickets to attend in person, will become available on Monday, April 3 at 9 am EDT.
Please, if you are feeling unwell, help keep our community healthy by watching the live webcast at home rather than us joining in person. If you need to cancel your tickets, please go to CANCEL FREE TICKETS
Attendance to the lecture is free, but tickets are required. Our lectures consistently sell out. As a courtesy to those on our waiting list, your ticket will be honoured until 6:45 PM only. If you have not arrived by 6:45 PM your reservation will be filled by another guest, and you will be asked to join the end of the waiting line.