The Wrecking Crew

Cinema at the State Presents: The Wrecking Crew


Odd Fellows Lodge #7 Thu, Feb 29, 2024 7:00 PM
Film Info
Release Year:2008
Production Country:USA
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Denny Tedesco
Cast:Al Casey
Glen Campbell
Hal Blaine
Herb Alpert
Lou Adler


Location: The Odd Fellows Lodge #7 1226 1/2 Lincoln Way Auburn, CA

Sponsored by Edward Jones/Office of Mark Mishler and Keali'i Wolfgang Forsberg

Doors open at 6 PM

A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew", a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording artists as Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys and Bing Crosby.