Catalog Information
Jim Gibbs' Personal Daffodil Collections
Order Daffodils NOW!   Limited Availability!
Plant in Nov, Dec, Jan, and Feb

Each collection contains 100 bulbs in 4 pkgs of 25 each. Bulbs are 12-14 cm. in size. All collections are $52 each + tax and S & H. Keep a package or two for yourself, give the rest as gifts.

Daffodil collections that contain early, mid and late bloomers will provide six weeks of cut flowers from March through mid-April. Daffodils are deer resistant.

You can create your own magnificent daffodil garden with the same varieties Jim Gibbs selected for his stunning display at Gibbs Gardens. Jim has been designing and installing gardens for both residential and commercial entities since 1965, and is considered an expert in seeking only the very best bulbs that will thrive in our Plant Hardiness Zones. His efforts have brought Jim and his company over 300 awards from nearly every recognized horticultural organization in the nation.

PLEASE NOTE: Bulbs may be ordered any time during the year. They are shipped November and December, when they should be planted.

Once you select your quantities, scroll to bottom of page and click on “ADD” to move your purchases to your shopping cart.

No Longer Available