
Wondering what you can do next to further your career? Could you use the help of industry professionals who excel in positioning songwriters and artist/writers to succeed? Meet the Global Songwriters Team!

There is no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all plan of success for creators. All Songwriters are at different levels of development and have different goals, responsibilities and relationships.  A one-hour, personalized, face-to-face Career Mentoring session is focused on developing a step-by-step career plan specifically designed for you. Imagine!  One hour out of your day could bring the focus and clarity you need on what to do next for your music industry career.

These one-on-one sessions can also be utilized for a personal and focused evaluation of (3) of your songs (with the lyric) with a music industry professional to further your unique vision and career goals on the music industry.!

Sheree Spoltore .

Sheree' Spoltore'


Music industry professional, career coach, mentor, motivational speaker and teacher, Sheree’ Spoltore’ is known as a songwriter’s best friend. Sheree’s career purpose and passion is encouraging, equipping and empowering songwriters of all genres to be at their personal best. Let her 20 years of experience work for you. READ MORE ABOUT SHEREE'...



What does a Career Mentoring session cost?

  • $80 - $100 / hr depending on the mentor you choose.


What does a Career Mentoring session include?

  • An interactive meeting via video conferencing, by phone or in person:

    Experience the feeling of connecting and receiving face-to-face guidance from an industry professional without the added expense and hassle of travel, hotel, food costs, and taking valuable vacation time away from work and family. YOU CAN! Choose to connect either by phone or face-to-face with a scheduled one-hour Career Mentoring Session. Let’s add your success story to the GSC testimonial page! Want to receive a GSC member discount on this session? Become a member today.


  • In-depth discussion of your career goals centered around your music:

    During your session we will listen to 3 of your songs that you feel are reflective of your career direction. If you have a discography, bio, electronic press kit, resume, list of accomplishments or contests won, we will include all of this in your personal plan. Be prepared to submit all of this information in advance. There is no small successes in the music industry! I want to celebrate all of your accomplishments and use them as a springboard for new ones, even if this session is your first real step towards a music career. You have to want to! And together, we create the how to!
  • An opportunity to be vocal with someone who will truly listen:

    This session is different from the GSC Song Evaluation. Not only will I listen to a few of your songs, but I will listen to YOU. This will lead us to an assessment of your songwriting skills in relation to your career goals. You get one special hour to verbalize out loud your desire to work in your "lifework." You will leave the session with renewed enthusiasm and confidence that there is a special place waiting for you AND your music.[
  • One hour focused solely on creating a step by step career plan :

    What can you expect during a GSC Career Mentoring Session? You can often expect MAGIC. But let me be more specific. Your session will consist of five parts: Goal Setting, Challenges, Roadblocks, Listening, and The Suggested Plan. You will leave with a plan that we create together based on the next pieces of the puzzle. Get your pencil sharpened because you will take a lot of notes!
  • A followup from the mentor outlining what to do next:

    Once our hour is over, I will send you an email with the notes that I have taken along with the suggested plan of action for the next 30 to 90 days. Depending on our mutual assessment, you may be ready for a connection now. Either way, you will come to realize the next step toward making that real industry connection. When we both feel you are ready, I will not only help you make that first connection, but I will teach you how to make a connection yourself so that YOU CAN take advantage of future opportunities.