Package Information
SCCA Subscriptions - 2024-2025 Subscriptions

2024-2025 Subscription

Purchase your tickets for the 5 Concerts in the 2024-2025 series NOW!

The Board of Directors invites you to join SCCA for our 49th concert season. We are offering a variety of outstanding performances. The concerts will be held at Southern High School, 4400 Solomons Island Road (Route 2) in Harwood, Maryland.

SCCA is committed to offering top-quality attractions at very affordable prices. We are an all-volunteer organization and are supported by subscriber fees, donations and grants. The reciprocal agreement between Anne Arundel Community Concert Association and SCCA allows our subscribers to also attend all concerts at Severna Parh High School in Severna Park at no additional cost.

Check out the AACC concert at their web site

Package Selection
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Adult - $80.00

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