In Colors

USA | 2019 | 15 min • Narrative Short

Showing In

Eating Up Easter
Mary D. Fisher Theatre Wed, Feb 26, 2020 1:00 PM
In a cinematic letter to his son, native Rapanui (Easter Island) filmmaker Sergio Mata’u Rapu explores the modern dilemma of their people, descendants of the ancient statue builders, as they face the consequences of their rapidly developing home. "Eating Up Easter" is a powerful story that addresses such topics as plastic pollution, how population and tourism growth is impacting waste management on the island, and the loss of cultural identity at the hands of globalization. By looking at these issues on the micro level of Rapanui, we come away with lessons valid for the entire globe.
Eating Up Easter
Harkins Sedona 6 - Theatre 6 Fri, Feb 28, 2020 4:20 PM
In a cinematic letter to his son, native Rapanui (Easter Island) filmmaker Sergio Mata’u Rapu explores the modern dilemma of their people, descendants of the ancient statue builders, as they face the consequences of their rapidly developing home. "Eating Up Easter" is a powerful story that addresses such topics as plastic pollution, how population and tourism growth is impacting waste management on the island, and the loss of cultural identity at the hands of globalization. By looking at these issues on the micro level of Rapanui, we come away with lessons valid for the entire globe.
Film Info
Event Type:Narrative Short
Release Year:2019
Run Time:15
Production Country:USA
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Stephanie Willis
Cast:Marilyn Sanabria
Zamara Jimenez
Bryson Allman
Ryan Gabriel
Producer(s):Stephanie Willis
Jason Phillips
Karla Luna Cantu
Screenwriter:Stephanie Willis


Lauris, a Latina immigrant adjusting to life in an Arizona border town with her new husband Noah, finds her values tested when Julieta, a young, undocumented immigrant on the run, seeks shelter on their property. Will Lauris do what she believes is right and help Julieta? Or will she choose self-preservation?