Les Parfums (Perfumes)


ByTowne Cinema Mon, Sep 13, 2021 6:45 PM
ByTowne Cinema Tue, Sep 14, 2021 4:15 PM
ByTowne Cinema Wed, Sep 15, 2021 4:30 PM
Film Info
Release Year:2020
Production Country:France
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Grégory Magne
Cast:Emmanuelle Devos
Grégory Montel
Gustave Kervern
Sergi López
Zélie Rixhon


Anne Walberg is a celebrity in the world of perfume. She creates fragrances and sells her incredible talent to companies of all kinds. She lives as a diva, selfish, with a strong temper. Guillaume is her new driver and the only one who is not afraid to stand up to her. No doubt this is the reason why she does not fire him.

Emmanuelle Devos (A Christmas Tale) is typically charming in the lead and Gregory Montel is the perfect foil/partner as her chaueffer.  Smell is rarely dealt with in cinema and even less so in an effective way (Ratatouile is one exception that springs to mind).  Watching this pair explore scents and searching for the right elements to add to each fragrance, will wake up your senses and leave your noses anxious to explore!