
2020 I World Premiere I United States

Showing In

Great Shorts 2 (VIRTUAL)
Digital Screening Room Sun, Oct 10, 2021 12:00 AM
Narratives and documentaries; comedies and dramas; true stories and fantasies and everything in between!
Film Info
Release Year:2020
Running Time:11 min
Premiere Status:World premiere
Production Country:United States
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Jacob Amirault
Adin Avritt
Amy Amirault
Director:Julien Scherliss
Producer:Chris Donaldson
Screenwriter:Julien Scherliss
Cinematography:Chris Koser
Editing By:Julien Scherliss


‘Tooth’ is a story about how we can all hang onto magic and innocence. When Calvin is told by his older brother that all the magic in the world lives in his last baby tooth, he comes up with a plan to make sure he never loses it. Can he prevent the inevitable, or will the magic disappear forever? He cannot prevent the inevitable: his last baby tooth falls out and the magic does disappear. Or does it? Seeing how much pain this causes Calvin, Jordan must make amends. In the middle of the night, they both set off into the darkness to see if they can reclaim what was lost, and find the true meaning of what it means to believe again.