Contemporary Kids - The Sensory Workshop


Contemporary Calgary Sun, Apr 3, 2022 12:00 PM
Contemporary Calgary Sun, May 1, 2022 12:00 PM
Contemporary Calgary Sun, May 22, 2022 12:00 PM




Contemporary Kids - The Sensory Workshop

Sunday, April 3rd, 12 - 2PM 
12-2pm Facilitated by Antyx educator Jace


For children ages 4-12. Maximum group of 30 children, with one guardian per child. 


Snacks and workshop supplies will be provided.

Our free onsite Contemporary Kids programs invite children to learn about modern and contemporary art through unique and engaging art activities. 


Inspired by the multimedia artist Catalina Tuca, kids will engage in a hands-on, sculptural project where they will explore what it's like to represent their emotions through object-building! Using various crafting and arts materials, participants will construct a 3D object while exploring what it means to visually represent their feelings.