A teenage delinquent befriends a surly magician who helps her navigate her inner demons and dysfunctional family with sleight of hand magic. Marvelous and the Black Hole is a coming-of-age comedy that touches on unlikely friendships, grief, and finding hope in the darkest moments. At the core of this playful and inventive movie is a celebration of the unlikely friendship between two outsiders: an unruly Chinese American teenager and a surly magician who’s old enough to be her grandmother. After a chance meeting during an especially fraught time in each of their lives the two form a close bond changing each other forever in unexpected and fantastic ways.
Following the screening on April 30, MdFF Senior Programmer KJ Mohr will lead an audience Q&A with producer Carolyn Mao.
Following the screening on May 1, filmmaker and Professor of Film and Moving Image at Stevenson University Dina Fiasconaro will lead an audience Q&A with with producer, Carolyn Mao.
All Festival attendees must follow our COVID-19 health and safety protocols at ALL MdFF venues. These policies are subject to change based on local and regional metrics.
NEW in 2022:
- You must reserve your seats in advance for all film screenings and premium events at this year’s festival.
- Face masks are required at all times in all venues
- Proof of vaccination (and booster shot, if eligible) OR proof of negative PCR test dated a maximum of 72 hours before the festival