Anthony Davis’s groundbreaking and influential opera, which premiered in 1986, arrives at the Met at long last. Theater luminary and Tony-nominated director of Slave Play Robert O’Hara oversees a potent new staging that imagines Malcolm as an Everyman whose story transcends time and space. An exceptional cast of breakout artists and young Met stars enliven the operatic retelling of the civil rights leader’s life.
Libretto by Thulani Davis - Story by Christopher Davis
New Production/Met Premiere
Kazem Abdullah; Leah Hawkins (Louise/Betty), Raehann Bryce-Davis (Ella), Victor Ryan Robertson (Elijah/Street), Will Liverman (Malcolm), Michael Sumuel (Reginald)
Robert O'Hara (Production); Clint Ramos (Set Designer), Dede Ayite (Costume Designer), Alex Jainchill (Lighting Designer), Yee Eun Nam (Projection Designer), Rickey Tripp (Choreographer)
All taxes and fees are included in the ticket price.
The show is in the MLT.