The 2023 Sundance Film Festival Short Film Tour presents seven short films curated from the festival, including two award-winning titles. Throughout its almost 40-year history, Sundance has supported short films, providing a platform for both established and new filmmakers to connect with audiences. The 2023 Short Film Tour program is a sampling of Sundance offerings and a testament to the unique storytelling potential that the format holds. Program: HELP ME UNDERSTAND (2023, dir. Aemilia Scott, USA, 14 min.), INGLORIOUS LIAISONS (2022, dirs. Chloé Alliez, Violette Delvoye, France, Belgium, 11 min.), PARKER (2023, dirs. Catherine Hoffman, Sharon Liese, USA, 13 min.), PRO POOL (2022, dir. Alec Pronovost, Canada, 8 min.), REST STOP (2022, dir. Crystal Kayiza, USA, 12 min.), TAKE ME HOME (pictured, 2023, dir. Liz Sargent, USA, 15 min.), and WHEN YOU LEFT ME ON THAT BOULEVARD (2023, dir. Kayla Abuda Galang, USA, 13 min.) Film Center exclusive.