Calgary on Purpose


Contemporary Calgary Tue, Nov 22, 2022 7:00 PM
Join us for an evening of rich conversations about the current reality and the future possibilities for our beloved city. To launch our time together we will present six creative Calgarians reflecting on our city, the people who live here and their personal journeys as neighbours in this place.
Contemporary Calgary Wed, Jun 14, 2023 7:00 PM
Please join us for the second of the 2023 Calgary on Purpose/Contemporary Calgary "Evenings of Conversation and Connection" on June 14 at 7pm. Our aim is to encourage Calgary to be a model of how the people of the world can live well together. In that spirit, we delight in the skills, stories, aspirations and goodwill of our remarkable neighbours on this land.
Contemporary Calgary Wed, Oct 11, 2023 7:00 PM
Contemporary Calgary Tue, Dec 12, 2023 7:00 PM


Calgary on Purpose

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
7PM | Dome Theatre

Please join us for the first of our fall of 2023 Calgary on Purpose/Contemporary Calgary "Evenings of Conversation and Connection."


We begin at 7 pm sharp with a few extraordinary creative Calgarians showing examples of their work, then being interviewed by the inimitable Dave Kelly and concluding with Dave engaging all of us in conversation. The program will finish by 8:30 pm with the bar staying open for those who wish to chat further. 


We are VERY proud that the presenters will include the luminous dancer and choreographer Yukichi Hattori (you may have had the good fortune to see him as Elton John in the Alberta Ballet production of "Love Lies Bleeding").


The remarkable poet Pricscille Buckahsa will also be joining us. Pricscille will speak her beautiful and powerful words, accompanied by her brother Zenas on the keyboard. Next, all the way from Inglewood will be Karen Bray whose work addresses pop culture, religion, sex, kitsch, magic, death and nostalgia. Finally, Dave will offer a personal reflection before encouraging conversation between us all.


Because of the generous partnership of Contemporary Calgary and the support of many volunteers and Calgary Arts Development, the evening is free to the public. We only request you to register so we can guarantee your seat - and please invite friends and colleagues. 


Our aim is to encourage Calgary to be a model of how the people of the world can live well together. In that spirit, we delight in the skills, stories, aspirations and goodwill of our remarkable neighbours on this land. We think one way forward is to stimulate conversation and curiosity about our neighbours on this land and our shared concerns, hopes and dreams. Join us in fostering appreciation, curiosity and shared purpose across our beloved city! 


FREE with registration.