Chicago European Union Film Festival: THE BELGIAN WAVE


THEATER 1 Sat, Mar 9 6:00 PM
Film Info
Release Year:2023
Production Country:Belgium
Original Language:French
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Jérôme Vandewattyne
Cast:Dominique Rongvaux
Karim Barras
Karen De Paduwa
Freddy Bozzo
Olivia Carrere


The “Belgian Wave” is the term for a series of UFO sightings in Belgium between 1989 and 1992. Thirty years later, two gumshoes, Enzo and Karen, set off on a psychedelic-fueled road trip to find the journalist Marc Varenberg, who mysteriously disappeared while investigating the extra-terrestrial phenomenon. On their journey, they encounter a gallery of characters (all of whom would be right at home in an episode of the The X-Files), each more peculiar than the last. Framed as a documentary and laced with found footage, broad comedy, and unreliable narrators at every turn, THE BELGIAN WAVE is a neon-soaked bender, and was—fittingly—the winner of the Audacity Award at the Oldenburg International Film Festival. Join us for a pre-screening reception from 5:00-6:00PM featuring waffles by Madame Muriel and Belgian beer courtesy Wallonie Bruxelles International.