This gripping debut feature from Michael Toledano, Jennifer Wickham, and Brenda Mitchell, unfolds as Wet’suwet’en activists confront fossil fuel corporations, the Canadian government, and militarized police to stop the construction of gas and oil pipelines on their territory. Taking its title from the Wet’suwet’en word for “land”, the film chronicles the decade-long struggle led by leaders Howilhkat Freda Huson and Sleydo’ Molly Wickham, as they endure assaults from all directions. By constructing homes and establishing a healing center along the proposed pipeline route, they assert their right to defend their territory. Deeply embedded within the communities, the filmmakers chronicle the confrontations with outsiders through frenetic and exhilarating footage, taking us straight to the heart of the resistance. Yintah presents this urgent tale of modern colonization as a global-scale thriller and a rallying cry to keep fighting. (EP) This film contains images of animal blood.