Adapted from E.B. White’s beloved children’s story, this animated musical film has delighted audiences young and old for over 40 years. Born the runt of his litter, piglet Wilbur (Henry Gibson) is rescued from slaughter by Farmer Arable’s daughter Fern (Pam Ferdin). Raised by Fern, Wilbur matures well and is sold off to her Uncle Homer’s farm. At Homer’s farm, Wilbur is snubbed by other animals, but finds a friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur learns that he might end up on the dinner table, Charlotte (Debbie Reynolds) weaves a terrific plan to save Wilbur's life. Produced by American animation studio Hanna-Barbera Productions, known for Saturday morning cartoons such as The Flintstones and Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!, Charlotte's Web is a timeless classic filled with colorful animation.