
THEATER 1 Sat, Aug 24 6:00 PM
Presented on 35mm
Film Info
Release Year:1968
Production Country:USA
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Peter Bogdanovich
Cast:Tim O'Kelly
Boris Karloff
Arthur Peterson
Monte Landis
Nancy Hsueh


Seemingly the most disparate pairing of Entrances and Exits, Peter Bogdanovich’s first and last films have a clear connection: the director’s devotion and love affair to cinema. In the unnerving and shockingly timeless TARGETS, deranged insurance agent Bobby Thompson embarks on a killing spree, with his final deadly destination a drive-in movie presentation featuring an appearance by the aging horror movie star Byron Orlok (Boris Karloff). As his image is projected 50 feet tall on the screen behind him, Orlock successfully disarms Thompson, thus saving lives and the day. In the charming documentary THE GREAT BUSTER: A CELEBRATION, Bogdanovich pays tribute to his hero, the iconic silent film star Buster Keaton. Between his debut and his finale, the director often explored and venerated cinema and the art of performance, including with films THE LAST PICTURE SHOW and THE CAT’S MEOW and the book This is Orson Welles (co-written with Welles, who is also featured in this series). For Bogdanovich, the screen was always bigger than life, and the stars were always the heroes.