Electric Lady Studios: A Jimi Hendrix Vision is a feature-length documentary film chronicling the creation of Electric Lady Studios, rising from the rubble of a bankrupt, Greenwich Village nightclub to the state of the art recording facility inspired by Jimi Hendrix’s vision and becoming the first ever, artist owned commercial recording studio.
The critically acclaimed, full-length documentary Electric Lady Studios: A Jimi Hendrix Vision, chronicles the creation of the studio, rising from the rubble of a bankrupt Manhattan night club to state-of-the-art recording facility inspired by Hendrix’s desire for a permanent studio. Produced by Janie Hendrix, George Scott and John McDermott and directed b by McDermott, the film features exclusive interviews with Steve Winwood, Experience bassist Billy Cox, and original Electric Lady staff members who helped Hendrix realize his dream. The documentary includes never-before-seen footage and photos as well as track break downs of Hendrix classics such as“Freedom", "Angel” and “DollyDagger” by recording engineer Eddie Kramer. Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, AC/DC, Bon Iver, Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey and Olivia Rodrigo are just a few of the many incredible artists who have recorded at the historic Electric Lady Studios.