Or, The Whale

2021 I USA I 7 min

Showing In

Great Shorts: Series 1 (GN Library)
Great Neck Library Sun, Sep 29 2:00 PM
FREE EVENT! Narratives and documentaries; comedies and dramas; true stories and fantasies and everything in between!
Great Shorts: Series 1 (PW Library)
Port Washington Public Library Thu, Sep 26 2:00 PM
FREE EVENT! Narratives and documentaries; comedies and dramas; true stories and fantasies and everything in between!
Film Info
Release Year:2021
Running Time:7 minutes
Premiere Status:Long Island Premiere
Production Country:United States
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Eddie Nason
Jack Bulger
Director:Mark Kiefer
Producer:Mark Kiefer
Screenwriter:Mark Kiefer
Cinematography:Mark Kiefer
Editing By:Mark Kiefer
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Moby Dick was first published in 1851 in London under the title "The Whale." One month later it would be published in New York by Harpers with much clumsier name "Moby-Dick; Or, The Whale." How did that happen? This film attempts to answer this question, imagining the fictitious argument between Herman Melville and publisher James Harper over the American edition of the famous epic, and the apparent impass that might explain its unusually awkward, and ridiculously over punctuated, full title.