Tod Lippy: Perfect

2024 I USA I 4 min

Showing In

Family Shorts (GN Library)
Great Neck Library (Parkville) Sun, Sep 22 2:00 PM
FREE EVENT! A fantastic program of short films - perfect for the whole family!
Family Shorts (PW Library)
Port Washington Public Library Mon, Oct 14 2:00 PM
FREE EVENT! A fantastic program of short films - perfect for the whole family!
Film Info
Release Year:2024
Running Time:4 minutes
Premiere Status:US Premiere
Production Country:United States
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Tod Lippy
Orlando Gonzalez-Ortiz
Lisa Kelly
Franck Battelli
George Seamer
Director:Kyle Garrett
Producer:Kyle Garrett
Tod Lippy
Screenwriter:Kyle Garrett
Cinematography:Aaron Fagerstrom
Editing By:Kyle Garrett
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“Perfect” was the last song Tod Lippy wrote for his forthcoming album “The Present.” It’s inspired by a saying attributed to Voltaire: “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” That kind of declaration is particularly meaningful to those of us who are on the compulsive side. You know the type: people who just can’t let that email, or essay, or soufflé, or artwork out into the world until it’s absolutely flawless. When it came time to do a video, a storyline immediately came to mind: A talent show featuring a talentless contestant and three unforgiving judges.