The Gangster & The Egg

2023 I USA I 5 min

Showing In

Great Shorts: Series 1 (GN Library)
Great Neck Library Sun, Sep 29 2:00 PM
FREE EVENT! Narratives and documentaries; comedies and dramas; true stories and fantasies and everything in between!
Great Shorts: Series 1 (PW Library)
Port Washington Public Library Thu, Sep 26 2:00 PM
FREE EVENT! Narratives and documentaries; comedies and dramas; true stories and fantasies and everything in between!
Film Info
Release Year:2023
Running Time:5 minutes
Premiere Status:World Premiere
Production Country:United States
Original Language:Russian
Cast/Crew Info
Cast:Vladimir Varakossov
Emilee Martichenko
Director:Cory St. Ewart
Producer:Alek Abate
Screenwriter:Cory St. Ewart
Cinematography:Jayme Covelier
Editing By:Cory St. Ewart


Ivan, a large and rough looking man, wants to surprise his wife with breakfast when she comes come from work. But when he tries to break an egg, it does not crack. Despite his best efforts of force--squeezing, banging, and mashing--he cannot break open the egg. He is about to toss the "cursed" object when his wife shows up; confused by the messy kitchen. After hearing Ivan's explanation, she shows him that force is not always the answer, and sometimes love is the only way to crack the hardest shells.