WVIFF is proud to present “Beyond the Back Row,” a new film series showcasing weird, offbeat, and obscure films that would feel right at home in a grindhouse theater on 42nd Street during the 1970’s. Join us as we explore daring, no holds barred films that aren’t afraid to shock, titillate, and provoke… beyond the back row. For this month we bring you LIFEFORCE
From the director of Poltergeist and the co-writer of Alien comes a
thrilling sci-fi adventure of explosive action and pulse-pounding
A mission to investigate Halley's Comet discovers an even stranger
phenomenon: an alien spacecraft! Following a deadly confrontation, the
aliens arrive on Earth, where their seductive leader begins a terrifying
campaign to drain the lifeforce of everyone she encounters. Her
victims, in turn, continue the cycle, and soon the entire planet is in
mortal danger. And when the mission's sole survivor (Steve Railsback,
The Stunt Man) sets out to stop her, he comes face to face with the most
beautiful – and most horrifying – being he's ever known. Will he be
able to destroy the vampiress ... or will he become yet another victim
of her fatal charm?