In this A24 release from acclaimed documentarian Lana Wilson, a group of New York City psychics conduct deeply intimate readings for their clients, revealing a kaleidoscope of loneliness, connection, and healing.
Crystal balls, neon signs leading into candle-lit rooms, ladies in caftans: these images of psychics fill the popular imagination. But throughout New York City, in minimalist and homey settings, a community of sensitive, tuned-in individuals, with their own stories of loss and love, offer bridges to the beyond for sincere seekers. Director Lana Wilson (AFTER TILLER, MISS AMERICANA) turns her eye for intimacy and revelation on sessions between psychics and clients: a doctor wants assurance about the young girl who died in her care; an adopted young woman inquires about her birth parents; a pet medium channels an anxious dog’s concerns. Equally absorbing are the questions the psychics ask themselves: Am I really helping people? Do I have a true gift? Does it matter?