Plus the Laurel & Hardy Short, Habeus Corpus
"Arguably the first true horror film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari set a brilliantly high bar for the genre — and remains terrifying nearly a century after it first stalked the screen."
—Rotten Tomatoes
At a carnival in Germany, Francis (Friedrich Feher) and his friend Alan (Rudolf Lettinger) encounter the crazed Dr. Caligari (Werner Krauss). The men see Caligari showing off his somnambulist, Cesare (Conrad Veidt), a hypnotized man who the doctor claims can see into the future. Shockingly, Cesare then predicts Alan's death, and by morning his chilling prophecy has come true -- making Cesare the prime suspect. However, is Cesare guilty, or is the doctor controlling him?
Tedde Gibson is a pianist and classical, Hammond, and theatre organist. He is also a composer, arranger, and silent film scorer. Born in Tacoma, WA, he began organ study at 16 with the late AGO president, Dr. Edward Hansen of the University of Puget Sound. Tedde later studied classical organ improvisation with David Dahl, professor emeritus at Pacific Lutheran University, theatre organ arranging with Jonas Nordwall of Portland, OR, and the late Andy Crow. He was a regular organist at Tacoma Pizza and Pipes from 1995 until the restaurant's demise in 1999. Tedde was organist at Tacoma First Assembly of God/Life Center. Upon moving to Seattle in 1996, he studied with Dr. Carol Terry and Dr. J. Melvin Butler at the University of Washington. He was then organist at First AME Church Seattle.
Tedde moved to the Washington, DC metro area in 2003 and studied pipe organ with Howard University professor Dr. Mickey Thomas Terry. While attending Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, MD, he studied with former AGO president Dr. John Walker and professor emeritus Donald Sutherland.
Tedde is the Director of Fine Arts at Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries in Baltimore, MD, and organist at Capitol Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington, DC.
For 18 years, he was an organist/musician-in-residence at First Baptist Church of Highland Park in Landover, MD, and music educator at Highland Park Christian Academy. He was also organist at Holy Comforter-St. Cyprian Roman Catholic Church in Washington, DC.
Tedde is an active recitalist and workshop clinician, performing on theatre and church organs nationwide. He has been featured on NBC Nightly News Weekend Edition and has accompanied "Sex and the City" alum Mario Cantone in the PBS production of "Wicked in Concert," broadcast nationally. He recently performed on the Seattle Paramount Theater's Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ at the 2022 American Guild of Organists Convention in Seattle, WA. Tedde is ex-officio of the American Theatre Organ Society. Augsburg Fortress publishes his compositions for organ. www.teddegibson.com