So This Is Love

USA | 2016 | 30 min • Narrative Short

Showing In

American Veteran
Sedona Performing Arts Center Wed, Feb 28, 2018 4:15 PM
"American Veteran" is a feature length documentary telling the story of Army Sergeant Nick Mendes, who was paralyzed from the neck down by a massive improvised explosive device in Afghanistan in 2011, when he was 21."American Veteran" follows Nick through the five year period after his injury — from the V.A. hospital bed where he spent 7 months recovering and learning to eat and even breathe on his own again, to the fully accessible home where he now lives with his new wife Wendy, a medical caregiver he met in the hospital. Presented in an unflinching, close-up style, the film brings us into Nick’s world as he studies for a real estate license and learns to do everything from posting on Facebook and playing video games to casting a fishing reel with his mouth. We’re with Nick as he endures an awkward Veterans Day parade and as he reunites with the soldier who pulled him from the truck just after it blew up. We also trace the unlikely love story of Nick and Wendy as they develop a deep
Film Info
Release Year:2016
Run Time:30
Production Country:USA
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Gloria Morrison
Cast:Jack Donner
Jody Jaress
Producer(s):Jack Donner
Gloria Morrison
Screenwriter:Jack Donner
Jody Jaress


There is a deep sense of love and affection between this feisty older couple which bubbles beneath the mask of familiarity and their great differences. More often Jack is dragged into the vortex of Josey's stormy ideations and today is no exception. On this, the most important day of their lives, a painful secret is revealed as they recall events from their passionate marriage. True to form, Jack tries to make light of the subject, but not today. His teasing wasn't working. Anyway,... there wasn't time.