This One Step

United States | 2018 | 6 min • Narrative Short

Showing In

The Light of Hope
Mary D. Fisher Theatre Mon, Feb 25, 2019 10:00 AM
“When there is great suffering, you don't ask questions. You help.” Based on the true story of Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011) and her female co-workers who saved the lives of almost 600 infants in World War II. In the early 1940's, refugees from all over Europe seek shelter in South Western France, escaping persecution from the Nazis and from Franco's regime in Spain. Among them, there are countless women, some of them pregnant, and their little children. The camps are in horrendous shape with refugees holding out with no protection from the cold. With no further ado, young Red Cross nurse Elisabeth Eidenbenz breathes new life into an old villa. By transforming it into a birth clinic she saves the lives of mothers and children from certain death. Despite all hardship, the villa becomes a safe haven resounding with the children's laughter. But soon threats from without and within take shape: Authorities in Nazi-occupied France demand that she hand over all Jewish refugees and their ch
The Light of Hope
Harkins Sedona 6 - Theatre 2 Thu, Feb 28, 2019 4:10 PM
“When there is great suffering, you don't ask questions. You help.” Based on the true story of Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011) and her female co-workers who saved the lives of almost 600 infants in World War II. In the early 1940's, refugees from all over Europe seek shelter in South Western France, escaping persecution from the Nazis and from Franco's regime in Spain. Among them, there are countless women, some of them pregnant, and their little children. The camps are in horrendous shape with refugees holding out with no protection from the cold. With no further ado, young Red Cross nurse Elisabeth Eidenbenz breathes new life into an old villa. By transforming it into a birth clinic she saves the lives of mothers and children from certain death. Despite all hardship, the villa becomes a safe haven resounding with the children's laughter. But soon threats from without and within take shape: Authorities in Nazi-occupied France demand that she hand over all Jewish refugees and their ch
Film Info
Event Type:Narrative Short
Release Year:2018
Run Time:6
Production Country:United States
Original Language:English
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Westin Ray
Austin Ray
Cast:Catherine Mersereau
AJ Johnston
Screenwriter:Westin Ray


A young Texan veteran and his wife must re-learn the rhythm of their relationship, complicated by lingering PTSD.