Membership Information
Elev8or Pitch Pass

Produce and submit a standalone short film, accompanied by a one-minute recorded pitch for the chance to pitch your feature film idea LIVE before a jury of industry professionals. Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The top 3 winners will also receive mentorship from industry professionals to develop their projects to be pitch-ready for production companies.


By purchasing an Elev8or Pitch Pass, you will:

      • Assemble a team and produce an original short film, no longer than eight minutes. This standalone short film serves as a proof of concept for your feature film.
      • Record a one-minute Elev8or Pitch to be viewed by the screening committee prior to watching your film.
      • If chosen as a finalist, your team will screen your short film, and then deliver a 1-min pitch immediately followed by a Q+A with judges on Thursday, November 14.


Pitch Pass includes one FILM FEST KNOX All Festival Pass and one limited edition FILM FEST KNOX tee.

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