Event Information
Garrison Keillor Tonight
Saturday, Aug 10, 2024 7:30 PM
Garrison Keillor Tonight is an evening of stand-up, storytelling, audience song,
and poetry. One man, one microphone. There are sung sonnets, limericks and
musical jokes, and the thread that runs through it is the beauty of growing old.

There is the News from Lake Wobegon, a town booming with new entrepreneurs,
makers of artisanal firewood and gourmet meatloaf, breeders of composting
worms, and dogs trained to do childcare. But some things endure, such as the
formation of the Living Flag on Main Street, citizens in tight formation wearing
red, white or blue caps, and Mr. Keillor among them, standing close to old
neighbors, Myrtle Krebsbach (“Truckstop”) and Julie Christensen (“Bruno, The
Fishing Dog”) and Clint Bunsen. And an a cappella sing-along with the audience
singing from memory an odd medley of patriotic songs, pop standards, hymns, and
ending with the national anthem.

(More Info)
Event Pricing
Orchestra Adult - $60.00
Lower Mezzanine Adult - $50.00
Upper Mezzanine Adult - $40.00

Ticket Selection
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Available Price Levels
Orchestra $60.00
Lower Mezzanine $50.00
Upper Mezzanine $40.00
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Eppes - Main

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