Event Information

Linn County Unburied: Linwood

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 11:00 AM
Join us as we remember the dearly departed and the many ways in which their legacies live on in our community. Linn County Unburied reminds us that we remain connected to those who came before us—and that we ourselves are shaping the future for those to follow.

Learn about the history of the oldest cemetery on the west side of Cedar Rapids. We’ll learn about the infamous Cherry Sisters, David King, Robert Ellis, O.S. Bowling as well as the memorial to many of the victims of the May 1919 Douglas Starch Works Explosion in Cedar Rapids.

Tickets: $7.00 general admission; $5.00 members of The History Center

Sponsored by Cedar Memorial.
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Join us as we remember the dearly departed and the many ways in which their legacies live on in our community. Linn County Unburied reminds us that we remain connected to those who came before us—and that we ourselves are shaping the future for those to follow.

Tickets: $7.00 general admission; $5.00 members of The History Center?

Sponsored by Cedar Memorial.