Framing Nature with Dr. Yolonda Youngs
Live Presentation via Zoom
Virtual Screening Room
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM
Arizona / Mountain Standard Time
Join us and Dr. Yolonda Youngs for a presentation on her recent publication Framing Nature: The Creation of an American Icon at the Grand Canyon.
From the University of Nebraska Press: In Framing Nature Yolonda Youngs traces the idea of the Grand Canyon as an icon and the ways people came to know it through popular imagery and visual media. She analyzes and interprets more than fourteen hundred visual artifacts, including postcards, maps, magazine illustrations, and photographs of the Grand Canyon, supplemented with the words and ideas of writers, artists, explorers, and other media makers from 1869 to 2022. Framing Nature provides a novel interpretation of how places, especially national parks, are transformed into national and environmental symbols.
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Dr. Yolonda Youngs is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at California State University San Bernardino. Her expertise is in national parks and international protected areas, environmental justice, conservation of natural resources, environmental policy and management, tourism, outdoor recreation, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Her regional specialties are the western United States and Europe. She has taught undergraduate classes, field studies courses, and graduate seminars in at California State University San Bernardino, Oklahoma State University, and Idaho State University.
Dr. Youngs has written or co-authored over 30 journal articles, books, book chapters, and book reviews, scientific reports, and essays featuring her research in sites across the U.S. National Park Service system. Her books include Framing Nature: The Creation of an American Icon at the Grand Canyon (2024, University of Nebraska Press) and The American Environment Revisited: Environmental Historical Geographies of the United States (2019 paperback). Her research is funded by the National Science Foundation, U.S. National Park Service, and the Cooperative Ecosystem Services Network.
She has received an Apple Distinguished Educator award (national award for digital innovation with tablets from Apple, Inc.), Outstanding University Researcher Award (university wide award, Idaho State University), and a Scholar-In-Residence award at University of New Mexico, among others. Dr. Youngs is the current Chair of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) Protected Areas Specialty Group an active member in the U.S. National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS-USA), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Geographical Union (IGU), and the Royal Geographic Society (with the Institute of British Geographers).