From legendary Japanese horror auteur Kiyoshi Kurosawa (Cure, Pulse), Cloud follows Ryôsuke (Masaki Suda), a mild-mannered factory worker. When not toiling away or spending time with his girlfriend Akiko (Kotone Furukawa), Ryôsuke is an online reseller of counterfeit products and overpriced items. Adopting a persona named “Ratel,” he maintains his anonymity as the scorned customers begin to flood in. After breaking ties with fellow scam artist Muraoka (Masataka Kubota), Ryôsuke leaves his cramped Tokyo apartment for a secluded lakeside house with Akiko. It’s there that a litany of mysterious attacks begin from what appear to be a variety of intruders. Fearing for their safety, Ryôsuke and Akiko begin to realize that Ryôsuke’s criminal activity may have caught up with them. As he does in all of his best work, Kurosawa slowly cranks the tension tighter and tighter until it finally explodes into something completely unexpected. At turns playful and terrifying, Cloud is a genre-bending guessing game in the hands of a true master of the craft.
Cast: Masaki Suda, Kotone Furukawa, Daiken Okudaira
All sales are final. Admission is not guaranteed after scheduled start time.
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