A narrative unfolding across four chapters, each occurring in a different season, this emotionally compelling family drama explores the lives of the inhabitants of Vermiglio, a secluded mountain village in Italy. An undercurrent of tension grips the community, as the devastating impact of World War II takes shape, forcing everyone to grapple with the profound changes in their lives in a deeply personal way. A new change arrives in the form of an outsider named Pietro, a young Sicilian soldier who brings his wounded comrade back home, earning himself the title of hero. Pietro’s presence disrupts the quiet atmosphere, breeding both admiration and curiosity, especially from Lucia, the eldest daughter of a local teacher. Their innocent flirtation soon deepens into love, triggering a chain of events that will irreversibly transform the village. Maura Delpero’s evocative tale is a portrait of love, loss, and the consequences of change in a society still reeling from war.
Cast: Tommaso Ragno, Giuseppe De Domenico, Roberta Rovelli, Martina Scrinzi
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