Fourteen years after his breakthrough In the Shadows, Thomas Arslan returns to the saga of Trojan (Mišel Maticevic), an aloof, Eastern European criminal who finds that his traditional methods are increasingly out-of-step in the tech-centric Berlin underworld. Back in the city after a long absence, Trojan eventually lands an old-school gig lifting a valuable painting from an art museum, joining a crew made up of both old acquaintances and unfamiliar new faces. Trojan puts his meticulous methods to good use, but what promises at first to be a straightforward job soon goes off the rails when the client’s true intentions come to light. Facing off against the client’s henchman Victor (Alexander Fehling), Trojan is thrust into an unexpectedly perilous web of deceit and danger. Like its enigmatic protagonist, Scorched Earth is cool and unflappable on the surface. But don’t let its minimalistic surface fool you; this expertly crafted noir is a thrill from beginning to end.
Cast: Mišel Maticevic, Marie Leuenberger, Alexander Fehling, Tim Seyfi
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