Revered film director Blake Cadieux (Arieh Worthalter) invites an old friend and collaborator, Albert Gary (Paul Ahmarani), to his remote lodge for a vacation. Albert brings along his teenage son, daughter, and his son’s friend Jeff (Noah Parker), a 17-year-old aspiring filmmaker who idolizes Cadieux. The trip starts with the guests airlifting across gorgeous greenery and being warmly greeted by the lodge’s inhabitants. However, tensions begin to rise inside the cozy cabin, starting with a nasty back-and-forth during dinner that transforms the lighthearted reunion into an oppressive atmosphere. Old wounds between the adults resurface, creating an increasingly uncomfortable situation, and the unresolved conflicts inevitably weigh on the psyche of the teenagers—particularly Jeff, who becomes disillusioned with the man whose work he once respected. In the latest narrative from director Philippe Lesage, the legacy of strained relationships is intimately examined, blending a variety of unexpected tones with a careful focus on the youth trapped in the crossfire of adult dysfunction.
Cast: Noah Parker, Aurélia Arandi-Longpré, Antoine Marchand-Gagnon, Arieh Worthalter
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