After being released from a juvenile detention center, young Wellington (João Pedro Mariano) finds himself alone on the streets of São Paulo, desperate to survive and unable to locate his family. A new friend offers him a path to survival, pulling him into the complex, dangerous world of sex work. As he navigates this harsh reality, he begins to redefine what family means to him. Amid the fleeting joys and inevitable mistakes, the young man and those around him are shaped by the fragmented, chaotic streets of São Paulo, battling an unjust world as they strive for a better life. Forced to forge often tenuous or dangerous alliances in a hostile environment, they cling to the hope of escaping misery. A hit at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, director Marcelo Caetano’s sophomore feature Baby is a raw and tender exploration of love, identity, and the relentless quest for belonging.
Cast: João Pedro Mariano, Ricardo Teodoro, Ana Flavia Cavalcanti, Bruna Linzmeyer
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