Event Information

Publishing Arizona: Academic Article and Book Publishing Workshop

Live Presentation via Zoom
Virtual Screening Room
Saturday, Jun 24, 2023 10:00 AM
Arizona / Mountain Standard Time
Publishing Arizona: Academic Article and Book Publishing Workshop will be a virtual “how to” research, write, and publish on Arizona history. The program will be open to anyone interested in publishing Arizona history with the University of Arizona Press and the Journal of Arizona History.
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Publishing Arizona: Academic Article and Book Publishing Workshop will be a virtual “how to” research, write, and publish on Arizona history. The program will be open to anyone interested in publishing Arizona history with the University of Arizona Press and the Journal of Arizona History. We will specifically advertise to early academics, Ph.D. students, adjunct professors, assistant professors, and independent historians. Dr. David Turpie will give insights in how to submit a journal and what kind of articles we strive to publish. Kristen Buckles, from the University of Arizona Press will speak to their Arizona History series and publishing with UA Press. Dr. Lora Key will speak about the AHS Research Fellowship and tips to improve their application and research experience in Arizona. AHS Librarians and Archivist will share their expertise on various collections and tricks to finding all the great resources AHS offers. Finally, we will have a question/answer session where the audience can ask specific questions and workshopping their article/book proposals.